30years Accumulated DECANTER, CENTRIFUGE, BELT-PRESS, FILTER-PRESS, VACUUM-PRESS, SCREW-PRESS, DRUM THICKENER's Manufacturing know-how. More than 3,000units, 1,000 sites References and Field Experience. Rapid After sales service, realizing customer impressions.
SFP(Sidebar Filter Press) is to filter and dewater sludge from waste water created from various plants and houses.
Suitable for waste-water processing plants, it can eliminate up to 50% of sludge by high pressure dewatering and drying. SFP(Sidebar Filter Press) has a suitable structure for high pressure dewatering and its life is extended with optimal materials selected through structure analysis.
SFP(Sidebar Filter Press) the only high pressure sludge dewatering machine in Korea of which slurry supply pressure is around 12~14kg/cm2 and dewatering pressure is 16~20kg/cm.
• The durability was improved with the rigid frame.
• Simple design makes beautiful appearance.
• Prevent the surrounding pollution by put underground of ratchet type cake detachment chain.
• Reduce the cycle time with the continuous system cake detachment equipment.
• The right specification is provided to the characteristic of the various industrial sites.