“ELODE (Electric Osmosis dehydrator)” system that this technology was successfully commercial scale, and world’s first developed & commercialized dehydrated for 2nd stage sludge dewatering system for WWTP, WTP and all kinds of sludge dewatering plant. Normally all kinds of sludge are dehydrated process by 1st stage dewatering machine (Such as Beltpress, Filterpress, Decanter etc) can be about 80%water content (20%dry solid) and The dehydrated sludge is called Cake, and Cake is finally treated through incineration or land-filling but too costly.
Big size ELODE (EODS-2000, EODS-3000) are very stable and highly dehydrating, that has been providing to High difficulty-Dewaterability Strong acidity chemistry excess sludge, highly conductive sludge which has not been successfully performed by other equipment.
ELODE is particularly easy to use for general sludge, Municipal sewage, manure, livestock wastewater, etc. and is applicable to the most suitable sludge.
In Korea case, the cost treatment incineration or landfill fee is U$80~U$150/ton for all kinds of general municipal cake at 80%wt the primary dehydrated, but in Europe, it exceeds U$200 and in the case of chemical or non-dewatered organic sludge is more than.
At present, Some Leading water turnkey companies such as Veolia water, GE, Evoqua, Suez, Degremont, Acciona, Hyflux and others are organic cakes reproducing bio-gas through biomass, or using Belt dryer, Drum Dryer, Rotary Kiln dryer but the production cost, Operating cost and initial-investment costs are still too high. Electric consumption is 1.1~1.2kW/liter water removed which is double high than ELODE.
ELODE is a big solution to solve these problems and reproduce final Cake as renewable energy. ELODE, the electric osmosis technology with the lowest operating cost(0.40~0.55kWh/liter Removed) applying to all kinds of Organic sludges that 1st dehydrated at 80%wt(water content), then ELODE(the 2ND stage dehydration) can results less 50~60%wt(40-50%ds). Mixing this with the organic sludge such as Palm oil sludge or sawdust makes a compressed pellet and it is reproduced with renewable energy of 5000~8000kcal/kg. Remanufactured Pellets can be resold to various power plants, cogeneration plants, incinerators at U$10~U$100/ton and also, can be supplied to poor winter farms to grow plants and vegetables. In addition, the sewage sludge cake and Palm Oil/Saw Dust Sludge Cake are mixed to reproduce the pellet, which will be a very economical process because it can solve sewage sludge problem and Palm Oil sludge problem at once.
The price of the ELODE System is very reasonable but excellent efficiency. If you buy ELODE system that can treat 1ton/hr for the 1st dehydrated Cake 80%wt(less 20%ds), It will be 20m3/day(daily 20hr working), the full set amount of the list price is less $000,000.
Daily 20ton=Monthly 600ton=yearly 7,200ton tons x Landfill/incineration treated cost U$100/ton = U$720,000/year continue to be incurred and many other problems will occur at same time. However, ELODE System grant a lot, all costs will be recovered within maximum 2years and you will be able to save U$720,000x10years(Minimum lifespan)=U$7.2mil for 10years.